Tuesday, August 31, 2010


stuff. I've been finding heaps of it lately!

First of all there's CraftGossip(http://craftgossip.com/) which has loads of awesome stuff on it. Heaps of freebies and links to tutorials to stuff I'd have never thought of doing at home! Okay, I mostly just watch the tutorials, or flick through the pretty, pretty pictures, but if I ever wanted to do any of them, now I know where to go!

Thanks to CraftGossip, I have found the blog of an inspiring woman. She's 82, and loves to sew and quilt. You can find a link to her blog in the blogs I follow. Her blog name is Funoldhag. She's got some amazing projects up there. Check her out. Please.

On the topic of crafty stuff, my husband made me a light box! Now I can trace patterns without having to hold them up to a window. Way cool! Thanks, honey!


  1. Hello, there, Lady Jane! Thank you so much for following me on my blog and for the nice words about me you have written in your post. Blogging is such fun and you meet so many nice people out there! I will be back to see you, also. :-) Carol

  2. I love watching craft tutorials and painting tutorials and stuff. And I've always wanted a light box :)
